Friday, July 31, 2009


I’m not sure what it is about you that I can’t keep out of mind. Maybe it’s the way your lips, full and pink, took in my kiss and sucked my bottom lip, pulling me closer to you, sending chills of excitement deep into my stomach or when you just gave me a peck on the lips between long, passionate kisses. Maybe it was the way you nibbled my ear and then blew into it, making me shiver. Perhaps it was your hands and the way they caressed my face and ran through my hair; the way they ran over my arms and along my sides, making me giggle because it tickled. Or the way you ran your fingertips through my palm and along my wrist before holding my hand. Or it was your eyes; beautiful blue-green eyes and the way they stared at me. The look you gave me just before you- you know. Or the smiles and smirks you displayed when I made a sound. Or the way you embraced me when we came together and your fingertips grazed my thighs and your lips kissed my neck, my chest; my lips being pulled into something so passionate. Maybe it was when you kissed my thighs, or my stomach. Or maybe it was when you woke me up by kissing my shoulder and opening my eyes to see you above me in the middle of the night, staring back. Or it was the way you held me while we rested; or the way you laid your head against my chest and I kissed your forehead, running my fingers through your hair. Or maybe it was when I had my first orgasm and you kissed me the whole time- long, hard, and never letting go. Maybe it was the way you woke up and thinking that I was still asleep tucked the hair behind my ear, brushing it way from my face in the morning. Maybe that was when I fell for you accidentally.

I can’t seem to think a single thought without you interrupting me. Your eyes, your smile, your lips, and your touch all linger still in my mind after all this time. I want to see you and hold your hand in mine, entwine our fingers, feel our hearts as eyes linger, for just a moment longer feel your arms around my waist, pulling me in for one more kiss. Feel your breath just before you kiss me, feel your heart beat against mine; listen to the soft whisper of the sheets around us moving, feeling each kiss intensify my breathing. The way your lips tickled my ear and brushed across my nose, the way you made my heart stop and start— sending butterflies throughout my body, made me smile. Opening my eyes to see you looking right at me, seeing deep into my thoughts, reading every movement, every sound, every kiss, you are too good to be true.

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